
About CPD: IFRS 17 (12/09 - 19/09/2024 - 3rd date to be confirmed)

CPD: IFRS 17 (12/09 - 19/09/2024 - 3rd date to be confirmed)

IFRS 17 : 12/09 - 19/09/2024 - 3rd date to be confirmed (16h00 till 18h00) (6 CPD)


  • Evelien Brisard, Actuary - Executive director actuarial services at EY
  • Nathalie Valette, Actuary-Senior Manager at PwC Belgium
  • Vincent Stembrouck, Director at PwC Belgium


  • Session 1: General introduction to IFRS 17, incl. the topics of scope, level of aggregation, recognition, definition of the various building blocks (PVFCF, RA, CSM)
  • Session 2: Measurement under IFRS 17, covering the different measurement models, the methodology around modification and derecognition, as well as the recognition and presentation in the statement of financial performance
  • Session 3: Targeted deep-dive session into specific topics, based upon a Q&A launched to the attendees of session 1 and 2. To be scheduled a bit after the first two sessions, to allow for the capturing of the prefered topics. Exact date of the session will be communicated after the second session.

Some practical information:

  • Language: English

MS Teams will be used for the web session.Participants will receive the Teams link one day before the start of the first session.

In case of questions, don't hesitate to contact us.



Ticket type Price
Members IA|BE € 360.00
Members ILAC € 360.00
Non-members € 450.00